SCWU, may have only been located in Southern California, but their educational programs and empowering of women reached far and wide.
SCWU provided community education by participating with City Councilpersons, by doing sensitivity training with West Hollywood police and even going to the White House. SCWU provided education for their members though speakers that would talk about how to come out, to financial advice or legal advice, to self awareness. SCWU provided a social outlet through dances, camps, dinners, and outings. She was right and for 30 years, SCWU, became a safe place for closeted Lesbians to meet like-minded women, for political lesbians to have a voice in the local and national community, and for many women to be able to hold a leadership position that was usually held by men. Southern California Women for Understanding started in 1976 when prominent and out psychologist, Betty Berzon, knew there needed to be a place where professional women could meet other professional women without going out to seedy bars.